Innovation Nation Series Two

Premiering in early 2024 this captivating television show takes viewers on an inspiring journey, uncovering the untold stories of Australia's brilliant minds and their groundbreaking inventions. Deep diving into the rich tapestry of Australian ingenuity, the show introduces us to 42 remarkable emerging changemakers and unveils the extraordinary stories of these visionaries and the challenges they overcame to transform their ideas into reality.

The Catch

In 2024 "The Catch", Singapore's top chefs embark on a culinary odyssey to Western Australia's vast landscapes, aiming to unravel the mystery behind their food's origins. Venturing into activities like cray pot pulling, cattle droving, and abolone diving, these chefs actively engage in the sourcing process. Guided by world-class Australian chefs, they share favourite recipes, preparing fresh ingredients in their unique styles. "The Catch" not only showcases Western Australia's abundant produce but also fosters a cultural connection through the universal love of food. Join us on this flavourful journey, celebrating the farm-to-table process and appreciating the dedication behind bringing the finest catch to the table.

Let us show your passion to the world!